The Secret Life of a Bikini Competitor PODCAST is now LIVE!


Oh my lord! I am SO EXCITED to finally show the world what I’ve been busy working on the last couple of months. Today, I am officially launching my very own podcast - The Secret Life of a Bikini Competitor.


It all started with an idea last year and now it’s a real thing! I did it!⁠⠀


SLBC is a product of my passion and love for a sport that has given me so much and a celebration of the hard work and inspirational journeys of those I’ve met along the way.⁠⠀


It will be a show to take listeners behind the tan and glam to provide a real and raw insight into female bodybuilding. Each week, I’m going to be speaking to both pros and amateurs about the highs and lows of their journey, giving voice to the topics not usually discussed in a public forum, and shining a light on the incredible women in the sport.⁠⠀

No topic will be off limits and I want to encourage guests to start conversations on things they are passion about and anything that’s relevant to the sport – whether that’s training, goals, nutrition, mental health, coaching, mindset to drugs, periods, sex, relationships, eating disorders, and more.

I realised early on in my bodybuilding journey that so many female competitors have some incredible stories to tell and are doing some pretty amazing things. I also found it so helpful to hear other people’s stories and realise I’m not alone in any challenges I am facing.

Whether listeners are aspiring competitors or just looking to make some positive changes to their lifestyle and mindset, my aim is to share what I and my guests have learned along our journeys, the good bad and the ugly and share top tips on how to achieve goals and overcome challenges.

I’ve got some UNBELIEVABLE guests lined up for upcoming shows but for now, head on over to Apple Podcasts or Spotify to listen to my first episode and learn a little more about my journey, my reasons for starting this show, what you can expect from upcoming episodes as well as my first couple of interviews.


I’d LOVE 💕 to hear what you think so please drop a comment below or slide into my DMs. All feedback is welcome and of course if you know of someone you think I should speak to (even if that person is you!) LET ME KNOW!⁠ And don't forget to subscribe and follow @secretlifeofabikinicompetitor on Instagram so you never miss an episode!⁠⠀