About Me

Welcome, welcome, WELCOME! Whether you stumbled here by accident (highly likely) or whether you arrived here on purpose, thank you for taking the time to read my (often inane) ramblings.

My name is Robyn Challands, I’m a mid (late) twenties British-born, public relations consultant living the absolute dream in Melbourne, Australia.  At the time of writing this, I am embarking on my journey towards my very first bikini competition, following a few years as a self-confessed fitness fanatic.  Hence the blog!

Why did I create this blog?

I guess you could call this my “fitness journey.”   It all started about 4 years and almost 20kgs ago. I came from a place of long-endured deep insecurity, mental health and body issues as well as a general lack of direction and purpose. The short version is, after hitting a few rock bottoms, I decided it was time for a change.  There are so many uncontrollable factors in life, but health and fitness for me was the one controllable aspect that I ended up using to turn my life around.

I don’t have a particularly sporty background, unless you count 15 years of ballet (which I can thank for these thighs of mine), so it has not been an easy journey. But what I’ve learned along the way, and the changes I’ve made not only to my physique, but to my mental health too, are absolutely priceless. 

You can read more about the ‘why’ behind my journey to stage HERE.

What do I hope to achieve?

If you've ever set out to achieve a goal, no matter how big or small, you will understand that the path is littered with experiences that challenge us to grow, and give us opportunities to learn.  My experience has been no different.  Through consciously setting out with this goal, and being cognisant to what was happening to me and the changes I was making, I found that daily I was learning something either about nutrition, fitness, health, wellness or, most importantly, myself!  

So, I created this blog as a place for me to document these learnings in the hope that they will not only make sense to people that are not just my parents (Hi mum and dad!), but also help others. 

I know that making significant changes can be daunting, especially when you’re starting at what feels like ground zero and your goal seems so far away.  I’ve been fortunate to have an unparalleled support network of coaches, family and friends who I’ve been able to lean on for various different things throughout this whole experience. 

My hope is that by sharing my trials, tribulations, ups, downs, tears (let’s face it, there are many), other people battling their own personal demons will know that they are not alone. 

Looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all!

Robyn xxx

Yours truly (Ft. Maxey)

Yours truly (Ft. Maxey)