A letter to my pals as I start comp prep

Ready to beat this girl!

Ready to beat this girl!

Well. That came around quickly!

Today I start my second prep, just under 21 weeks out from my next show, and my first show with the WBFF!

Seems like only yesterday I was stepping on stage while my friends screamed “NUMBER 51!!!” and I pranced around in the most expensive and smallest piece of clothing I own.

I’m unbelievably excited for prep number two! There’s so much I’m looking forward to over the next five months. Not just the physical changes but also the massive mental improvements I know I’m going to make. Even the suffering I’m looking forward to. The countless of hours of training, the posing, the slowly increasing cardio and the steadily decreasing calories. I know I’m going to push myself even further out of my comfort zone than I’ve ever been before and I can’t wait!

Prep is a very unique experience which no one really understand unless they’ve been there. It require quite a lot of sacrifices. The social occasions. The meals out. The weekends away. A lot of it has to give when you’re in prep and it can be a really isolating time if you don’t have the right people around you.

I know everyone says this. But I really do have some of the best pals in the world. Despite not really understanding what the hell I was doing, they stuck by me. No matter how hangry or tired I was. Everyone still had my back 100%. They suffered through my shit banter and weird mood swings. So, I bet they’re all super excited that today we get to do it all again!

No prep is the same, but there are some things that are guaranteed to happen. While most of my friends are now well versed in what’s to come over the next five months, there’s still a few things I thought worth apologising for in advance!

Forgive me for what I say when I’m hangry

In a couple of weeks time, once the calories really start dropping down, I’m going to be hungry. Not just ‘peckish’ hungry. I mean, constantly and irritably hungry. Hangry even. And tired too. A lethal combination (just ask my parents). It’s not the real me, I promise! Probably best try to only see me once I’ve eaten.  I reckon that’s the safest time.

I need one week (minimum) notice for hangouts

I mean, I’m not the most spontaneous of people anyway. A simple dinner invite on a Tuesday afternoon is enough to send me into a meltdown. But during prep, I’m the antithesis of spontaneous.

My entire week (if not fortnight) is planned down to the individual gram of rice, to the exact times I will be in the gym, at posing class or trying to fit in as much sleep as possible. I’m a pretty rigid person most of the time. I like to set plans, and when something derails those plans it can really throw me off (I’m working on it!). Simply coming round to hang out, ain’t so simple during prep. So don’t feel weird if I tell you I’m popping in for a cup of tea… in three weeks time.

If you invite me out, I’m probably going to say no

But please still invite me!

I get it. There’s only so many times someone can decline invitations to hang out, before the invitations just stop coming. Nine times out of ten, I’m likely going to decline. I’m going to be hungry, tired and not up for being around people having fun and enjoying themselves.

There may be the rare occasion where I have the energy or the time to pop out for a few hours. Yes, I may ghost after an hour. But, I really appreciate those little moments I can squeeze in. So, please, keep those invites rolling in.  

Past 9pm? Not a chance

In prep, I’m like Cinderella. Except. Instead of midnight, it’s 9pm I can’t stay out past. And instead of a pumpkin, I turn into a ugly sister. And instead of a shoe, I lose my mind (dramatic but you know). I’m most likely getting up at 5am tomorrow to train and sleep is a huge part of the recovery process. So, I will 100% be ghosting before 9pm. And if the event starts at or after 9pm? It’s a no from me dawg.

If I do come out, prepare for 1000 questions

Where are we going? What is the exact address? Will there be a supermarket? Will there be a gym? Will there be a microwave? Can I bring my own food? How long are we going for?

If I do make it out, or do make it away for the weekend, there’s going to be a barrage of questions coming your way. During prep, I’m constantly making plans and contingency plans on contingency plans. So, this just all helps me figure out whether it’s possible or not for me to go, still stay on track and not have a minor meltdown. Speaking of meltdowns…

I may get overly emotional at times

OK. That’s a lie. I will DEFINITELY get overly emotional at times. At probably the smallest of things. Prep does weird things to your brain. For someone who is normally incredibly rational (ha), I turned into an emotionally unpredictable mess towards the end of my last prep. The slightest and weirdest of things set me off. So, you’ve been warned.  Approach with caution.

Sorry, I can’t just have one!

Most of my friends are pretty good at this already and understand that I can’t ‘just have one.’ So this is more for people who don’t really understand what prep entails.

Whether it’s a wine, a bit of chocolate or a crisp. Every single calorie is calculated during prep and to have ‘one’ is to throw out the entire plan. I’m an all or nothing kind of person. I put absolutely everything into a prep and my sole focus is to get up on stage with no regrets (#noragrets). Instead of saying ‘just have one,’ remind me that temptation is just an emotional reaction and that my goals are more important. I’ll be able to have more than ‘just one’ in a few weeks time anyway, and that will be so much more enjoyable (and deserved!).

Although prep comes first, I still care

Just because I can’t come to your dinner or have to leave your party early because I have to train, doesn’t mean I don’t care. For this small period of time, I have to prioritise my goals over most things but please know I appreciate you and your support more than you will ever know.

Thank you!

Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for letting me stand near you at social occasions even though I haven’t said 5 words all night. Thank you for coming round just to hangout. Thanks for dealing with the mood swings and irrational freak outs. Thanks for being my cheerleaders and biggest fans. Finally, thank you to my housemate for dealing with all of the above in close quarters. And never complaining about the amount of stinky fish I reheat in the microwave.

Although I make it sound like I’m going to miserable for five months. I’m really just preparing you for the worst.  Prep was hands down the best experience I’ve ever been through, and I can’t wait to do it all again.

Time to kick some ass!

Robyn xxx