Why transformation pictures are bullshit (but I love them)

2015 vs 2019

2015 vs 2019

Now I’ve got your attention. 

I want to talk about transformation or before/after photos and why they are bullshit - but I love them and so should you. 

Let me explain. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. I LOVE seeing people’s transformation photos.  It’s such a great feeling to see and celebrate someone else’s achievements and accomplishments. Especially when you can tell they are so proud of their own efforts.  Everyone works hard in their own way and seeing people’s hard work pay off is always satisfying. 

However, what many of us do is compare ourselves to someone else’s transformation. It’s true when they say comparison is the thief of joy. Sounds cheesy but for real. It is. 

We look at these two photos and despite being happy for this person (probably a totally random person on social media) we can get down on ourselves and where we’re at with our own journey. 

We look at someones week 20 and compare it to our week one.

Unless you are comparing yourself to yourself, comparison should never be used as a tool to measure our own efforts.

A photo a simply a snapshot in time. It shows nothing about that person’s journey they went through to get to that point. You have no idea how long or how hard that person had to grind. You have no concept of their genetic makeup. You have no insight into their insecurities or the drivers, their highs and their lows. You don’t know anything about their nutrition and training plans. 

You simply have two photos demonstrating a period of time and a subsequent change. A change that I can guarantee was not a linear journey.

You should never compare yourself to someone else’s photos. Use them as inspiration for sure. They show you it’s possible, but you should not be comparing yourself to them. 

The only person you should be trying to beat is yourself, yesterday. 

So, when it comes to your own progress. Take all the photos. Make all the comparisons. 

See how far you’ve come. See how much you’ve grown. 

Remember to look back far enough. Change isn’t always linear and can often be incremental. If we’re willing to look back far enough we will most likely see a change we’re proud of.

When it comes to our own progress, ‘before and after’ photos are great! They help us see what we often can’t see in the mirror and give us a channel for celebrating our own accomplishments. 

You don’t have to post them on social media. You don’t even have to share them with friends.

But use them as a tool for celebrating how far you’ve come and be proud of what you’ve achieved.

Trying to be better than we were yesterday. Not better than someone else tomorrow.

Do it for your own before and after!

Robyn xxx