REVIEW: Four podcasts to help you through prep

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I became pretty addicted to podcasts during comp prep.  There’s only so much Slipknot one can listen to at 5.30am every morning. And with the amount of LISS cardio I found myself doing, I turned to podcasts to get me through the pointier end of prep.

I had dabbled with podcasts a little bit before (My Dad Wrote a Porno still being one of the funniest things I have ever listened to), but I was now listening to them to educate myself more on training and nutrition.

As it was my first prep, by learning more about it, I was able to make a bit more sense of it. I also found it helpful for motivation, especially when the 5am wake-up calls start to grind you down a little bit.

There’s so many fitness, health and lifestyle podcasts out there. The trick is to find ones that are worth your time!

Whether you’re prepping for a show or simply want to learn more about health and fitness, these are the four podcasts that I highly recommend. They served me well during prep and still do now I’m in off-season. One thing they all have in common, is they cut through the crap! Hope you enjoy!


1.     The Competitive Edge

Now, I may be biased because one of the hosts of this podcast is my coach, but if you want a no holds barred, raw and in-depth view on training, nutrition and competing then this is the place to go.  Hosted by WBFF pros Alicia Gowans, Jared Hustler & Robbie Frame, each podcast cuts through the bullshit, giving you real insight into all things fitness – the highs AND the lows. They’ve had some incredible expert guests on there too, (Bret Contreras being a personal highlight) as well as a wide range of world champion and amateur competitors.  They really give you a 360-degree view on competing.  This was so helpful during prep, not only to understand that I wasn’t alone in what I was going through, but to get me excited and motivated too. Whether you’re a competitor or not, there’s something everyone can take away from this podcast. 


2.     Not Just a Bikini Girl

This is a MUST listen to for any girls who competing, especially if you’re doing your first show.  The wonderful Jasmin Jeffery, a competitor and coach from the UK, covers topics ranging from nutrition, training, supplementation, peak week & reverse dieting, periods as well as mental health and mindset. She also often invites a range of coaches of competitors on the show to talk about their own experiences.  If nothing else, this podcast has taught me that whatever is going through my head, I am not alone.  It was really important for me to listen to this as I reversed out of my first show and learned to deal with the weight gain and the re-introduction of real life. 

Some are nice and short for those quick commutes to work, others more in-depth discussion, ranging from 40 to 75 minutes – perfect for those early morning LISS sessions!


3.     Barbell Shrugged

A hang up from my CrossFit days, and regularly featuring some of the best CrossFit athletes, Barbell shrugged is one of the top-rated fitness podcasts for a reason.  With over six years’ worth of podcasts under their belt, hosts and health and fitness professionals Mike Bledsoe and Doug Larson have covered almost every topic you can think of when it comes to strength and conditioning.

Even if CrossFit training isn’t your thing, there’s still a tonne of information these guys, and their slew of expert and athlete guests, cover that you can apply to all areas of training.


4.     The Fitness and Lifestyle Podcast

This is another great ‘real-talk’ fitness podcast.  It can be quite easy to become overwhelmed if you’re just starting out on your fitness/health journey, but Dan Kennedy, a personal trainer/strength and conditioning coach from Melbourne, breaks even the most complex of things down to make them easy to understand.  From fat loss methods and mistakes, training for specific body parts, mindset, and more, the reason I love this podcast is Dan just tells it how it is. You can tell he presents the podcast the same way he would speak to his clients or his friends.  He’s friendly, funny and incredibly knowledgeable. If you’re completely new to training and nutrition still boggles your mind, I highly recommend checking out this podcast.


Bonus podcast!

Now, it’s not a fitness podcast by any stretch of the imagination, but it is one of my absolute favourites – No Such Thing as a Fish.  Sometimes, when the going was getting tough, all I wanted was a distraction and a giggle. Written and presented by the researchers from the TV show QI, each brings a random fact to the table every week for them to discuss.  How I describe it to my friends – just a bunch of nerds, nerding out over really interesting and random facts… It’s hilarious. I’m always astounded by how quick witted and funny they are and always come away having learned something.  Funny and educational! Who doesn’t want that? Seriously, trust me on this one!


If you love the podcasts above, or have a suggestion of one I should check out, leave a comment below and let me know! One of my new year’s habit-based goals was to listen to a podcast every day.  Especially with my sights set on the October WBFF show, I’m going to be needing them very soon!