SIX things I do to set myself up for a successful day


It sounds SO cliche, but the development of my morning routine started with a motivational video that was doing the rounds on Facebook a couple of years ago. You might know which one I’m on about out. It was a former Navy Seal talking about the lessons he learned from seal training and the reason why you should make your bed in the morning.

He says;

“If you make your bed in the morning, you have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense pride and will encourage you to do another task. And another. And another. Then, by the end of the day, that one task completed, will have turned into many tasks completed.”

(Sounds a lot more motivational when he says it and there’s music playing in the background…).

Safe to say, the motivational speech did its job and shortly after watching that video, I became a bit obsessed with having a solid morning routine.

I had really never given it a thought up until then. My morning routine really only consisted of being tired, being grumpy, and doing my makeup in bed because I was wishing I was still in it! I started reading up a bit more and before I knew it was hooked. Before long I found that, not only was I more productive as a result, I was much more positive too. Which was a significant contributor to the about-face I’ve ended up doing on my overall mindset since.

Each person’s morning routine will be different as will how you define a ‘successful’ day, but here’s the things that I do religiously each morning set myself up for the day ahead.

1. I start the night before

Honestly, a good morning routine starts the night before. I get the clothes out I need for the next day for work and the gym.  My food is all prepped on a Sunday, so the only thing I need to weigh out each night is my avocado. I make sure any supplements, work, or extra bits and bobs are out ready to go too.

I want to limit the amount of decisions I have to make in the morning so I don’t spend my time worrying about small things, like what I’m going to wear or where something is and therefore stressing myself out.

This is especially helpful during prep when the early mornings get earlier and earlier and the last thing I want to do at 5am is be running around trying to find my shaker or headphones.

2. Limit screen time

I need to get WAY better at this but I have started trying to minimise my screen usage late at night so that I can wind down properly and get the best quality sleep. If my sleep is rubbish, my day is going to be rough too. I also try not to use my phone at all on a morning. I use the iPhone ‘screen time’ functionality to turn off all apps from 9.30pm to 7am. This prevents me from being distracted both late at night and in the morning by all the notifications (read: one notification… from my mum).

I’ve found I can now be much more present with myself in the morning. Also, my job requires me to be in front of a screen all day so whatever I can do to minimise the time staring at one is beneficial.  

3. Refuse to hit snooze

I used to be a big snoozer! Just one more minute!! But, I would always just be frustrated that I’d done it and often be more tired as a result. It meant I was rushing around because I’d always end up running late and I’d just start the day off on a bad note. Now, I refuse to hit the snooze button and instead get straight up and out of bed to make the most of my day. Even on weekends, unless I’ve earned myself a lie in.

4. Make my bed

As I mentioned before, it sounds simple, but getting this task done first thing never fails to give me a small sense of achievement and means that I’m ready to get on with my day. Mentally, I feel like as if I’m I’m signalling to myself that that particular part of my day is over, and now it’s time for the next part. It’s also true that by completing the first task of the day, you feel so much more ready to complete the next one and kill your day!

5. Daily affirmations

This is something new I started doing at the beginning of the year and I’ve managed to do it almost every day since.  After I’ve showered, and made a cup of tea (of course!), I sit in my room and write down three things I am grateful for and three things I want to achieve that day. Some people do five things, some people do it as soon as they wake up. However you like to do it, I find it gets me thinking positive things first thing, which is super important for me as my default setting points to negative. It makes me focus on and appreciate what I have in life, instead of what I don’t, and set my intentions for the day. I have a lot to be grateful for so that list is always super easy.

The three things to achieve can be as big or as small as you need, and you don’t have to be limited to three if you have more on your mind. From going to the post office, to 100% prep compliance, to being confident at work or being open to opportunities. Whatever you want to achieve that day, try and write it down first thing and see how much more productive and positive you become.

6. Podcast

Another goal of mine this year was to educate myself more on fitness, health, nutrition and mindset. Whether that’s reading, watching or listening.  So, when I’m getting ready the first thing I do is put on a podcast (you can see some of my favourite ones here). It helps wake me up, takes my mind of anything I might be stressing about and means I’m utilising my time well while I’m getting ready or commuting. It doesn’t always have to be educational, sometimes I just listen to something funny to put me in a good mood.

You probably have a morning routine without even realising it, be it positive or negative, intentional or unintentional. I know I did, but it wasn’t enabling me to start the day out on the right note. Once I became cognisant to how much the things you do when you first wake up set you up mentally for the day, and therefore making intentional changes, is when I started noticing big improvements to my mood.

I’ve now been doing all these things for so long that they have become habits and I barely have to consciously think about doing them, which gives me room to add in much more! The next thing I want to add in, is meditation. My amazing workplace offers a meditation course to all new team members and I will be completing that soon. So, once I’ve taken it will try adding it in to my morning routine and see how I go!

How do you like to set yourself up for the day?

Robyn xxx